This report is produced as a part of a multi-national research project funded by the Open Network Initiative (ONI)
Full text of the press statement delivered by the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Mr. Frank La Rue, after the conclusion of his visit to the Republic of Korea
April 2010
Joint Korean NGOs for the Official Visit of the Special Rapporteur to the Republic of Korea
The Korea-EU FTA must be dismantled. And the lives of patients in over 120 countries are on the line regarding the India-EU FTA. What will devastate the Pharmacy of the World must also be stopped.
this clause allows a criminal penalty without questioning whether the circulation of false information harms the public interest. That is, “false communication” itself can be punished. In addition, the biggest problem is that the clause has been exploited for political purposes.
Global Information Society Watch 2010 : ICTs and Environmental Sustainability – Country Report of South Korea
The dominant perception among many Koreans is that any downloading activities without the copyright owner’s permission is considered “illegal.” In fact though the Copyright Act of South Korea recognizes that reproduction of copyrighted works for private use is regarded as “fair use” under Article 30 of the Copyright of Act.
Follow-up Information on the Situation of Freedom of Expression and Opinion in Republic of Korea, submitted to UN Special Rapporteur
NGO Report on the Situation of Freedom of Opinion and Expression in the Republic of Korea since 2008
Mr. Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, is officially visiting Korea on May 2010. In light of his visit, Korean human rights social organizations have prepared the ―Report on the Realities of the Freedom of Expression, Two Years into the Lee Myeong-Bak Administration. The Korean human rights social organizations greatly welcome the Special Rapporteur‘s visit of Korea, and support and feel solidarity in his activities to protect human rights.
The followings are 1. a submitted written statement regarding the violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression under the Lee Myung-bak administration to the Human Rights Council…