GISWatch 2013 country report : South Korea – Digitising social welfare: Challenges of privacy

By | English, 외부자료, 프라이버시

It is the government’s duty to protect its citizens; therefore, there is little justification for the government to prioritise administrative efficiency over the rights of the socially disadvantaged. As a short-term goal, relevant laws must be amended so that female victims of violence can minimise exposure of their personal information. Of course, in the long term, legislators should consider gender-specific needs prior to making all policies in order to prevent such trial and error.

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Cases of the Republic of Korea on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age

By | English, 개인정보보호법, 개인정보유출, 입장, 주민등록번호, 주민등록제도, 통신비밀, 패킷감청, 프라이버시

We are concerned that, in the socio-political context, there is a high possibility for IT to be misused to carry out state surveillance and commit violations of the right to privacy. We welcome the UN General Assembly resolution and the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to privacy in the digital age, and we emphasize the urgent need for these recommendations to be implemented by the RoK.

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The South Korean Civil Society Statement on NETmunidal

By | English, 인터넷거버넌스, 입장

On 23-24, April, a global multistakeholder meeting on Internet governance , “NETmundial,” was held to discuss the Internet Governance Principles and future approaches in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This meeting was considered historic in that it enabled multistakeholder participation during the process, enabling governments, civil societies, private sectors, technical communities, and academia, etc., to participate in the process of determining the final resulting content of meeting.

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