September 16, 2021 The President of the Republic of Korea The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Re: Proposed Amendments to the Press Arbitration Law Dear Members of the…
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee(“PIDMC”) in South Korea has announced on July 8th, in an official statement that it made a resolution to commence the collective dispute mediation proceedings between…
진보통신연합 APC(Association for Progressive Communications)가 매년 발행하는 세계정보사회감시 보고서(Global Information Society Watch, GIS Watch) 2020이 발행되었습니다. 2020 GIS Watch 보고서는 “기술과 환경, 그리고 지속가능한 세계”(Technology, the environment and a sustainable…

Two organizations, Korean Progressive Network JINBONET and Institute for Digital Rights, jointly published a report titled <Covid-19 and the Right to Privacy : an Analysis of South Korean Experiences>. South…
In the face of COVID-19, countries are responding in various ways depending on their situation. Some, such as Taiwan, have responded quickly by blocking entry from other countries in the…
In the era of COVID-19, is S.Korea’s ‘new normal’ a digital surveillance state? Immediately withdraw the plan to introduce electronic entry register system! Korean Statement: On May 25,…
In response to COVID-19, digital rights should be respected – When publishing whereabouts of infected individuals, exposure of personal information should be restricted – Personal information collected for the purpose…

Introduction On 15 September 2017, the 6th South Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF) was held at Sejong University.1 The KrIGF is hosted by the Korea Internet Governance Alliance (KIGA),2 a…
수 신 : 각 언론사 한미 FTA 취재 기자 발 신 : 한미 FTA 폐기를 촉구하는 한미 시민사회 공동 네트워크 담 당 : 남희섭 (010-3925-2797, Arthur Stamoulis (202-494-8826,…