Censorship of Gay sites continues on South Korean Internet

By | English, 자료실, 표현의자유

In June last year, APC received a request from JinboNet, our partner network in Korea, for support and solidarity for a 72 hour “website strike” in protest against the Korean government’s introduction, from July 1st, of a compulsory filtering system for “PC Bangs” (Cybercafes), schools and public libraries. The system blocked access to websites that the Korean government considers to be “harmful to minors.” Websites selected for blocking included mainstream lesbian and gay websites.

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Internet Content Rating System: Simply Protects Youth from Harmful Media?

By | English, 자료실

In July 2000, the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) of Korea pronounced an act called ‘Communication Order Act’, which has introduced the PICS(Platform for Internet Content Selection) under the broad framework of Internet Content Rating System. This act manifestly shows the government’s intent to control the world of WWW: the authorities concerned does not try to make the on-line world the more creative and critical space but they are attempting to tame the netizens in terms of their own rules and perspectives.

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A Statement from the Participants of the Asia Internet Rights Conference
[Statement] “Democracy and Freedom Are An Integral Part of Cyberspace”

By | English, 입장, 표현의자유

We from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Australia, Sweden, the U.K., the United States and Korea participanted the Asia Internet Rights Conference on November 8-10, and discussed the issues and the challenges of promoting and protecting internet rights in our respective countries. We hereby believe the importance of the internet rights for Asia people and the capacity of Asian people’s solidarity, despite the diversity of experiences shared by each participant.

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"Democracy and Freedom Are An Integral Part of Cyberspace" : A Statement from the Participants of the Asia Internet Rights Conference
[정보화/성명] 민주주의와 자유에 대한 추구는 인터넷에서도 계속되어야 한다 – 2001년 아시아 인터넷권리 국제회의 참석자 선언

By | English, 국제협약, 입장

■ 아시아 인터넷권리 국제회의 참석자들은 11월 11일 11시에 명동성당에서
기자회견을 갖고 아래와 같은 선언문을 발표하였습니다.

[한글 번역문]

민주주의와 자유에 대한 추구는 인터넷에서도 계속되어야 한다
– 2001년 아시아 인터넷권리 국제회의 참석자 선언 –

방글라데시, 캄보디아, 홍콩, 인도, 인도네시아, 일본, 말레이시아, 몽골,
네팔, 필리핀, 스리랑카, 타이, 호주, 영국, 스웨덴, 미국, 한국 등에서 2001년
8일부터 10일까지 개최된 아시아 인터넷권리 국제회의에 참석한 우리는 각국의
인터넷 권리의 현황과 이를 증진하기 위한 과제를 논의하였다. 우리는 아시아
각국이 처해 있는 상황의 차이에도 불구하고 이 회의를 통해 인터넷 권리의
가치와 아시아 민중의 연대 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다.

우리는 발표와 토론을 통해서 세계화가 아시아 민중들의 삶을 피폐하게 만들고
있음을 확인하였다. 아시아 민중들은 서로 협력하여 이 거대한 공격을 극복해
나가야 할

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Activists Begin Sit-In Hunger Strike Against Internet Contents Rating System

By | English, 자료실

In the wake of the Ministry of Information and Communication’s announcement to implement a controversial internet content rating system, activists from several civic organizations responded with a sit-in hunger strike at Myongdong Cathedral, a traditional site of protest in Korea. Opponents of the rating system argue that it will seriously undermine freedom of expression on the internet in particular and civil liberties and social democracy in general.

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