Struggle for Access to Glivec

By | English, 의약품특허, 자료실

Struggle for Access to Glivec
in South Korea
Solidarity Needed Now!!!

What is Glivec?
US FDA approved Glivec, a drug for the
treatment of chronic myelogenic leukemia
(CML), in May 2001. In fact, Glivec is the one
and only drug that is effective for refractory
CML patients. But it is still ‘not a drug of
hope, but a drug of despair’ in South Korea.

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Statement on paragraphs 34-37 of the new Draft Declaration of Principles Document WSIS03/PICP/DT/4(Rev.2)-E
[WSIS/성명] 정부간 선언문(안)의 보안 분야에 대한 진보네트워크센터의 입장

By | English, 인터넷거버넌스, 입장

좀전에 보낸 시민사회 선언문과 별도로, 어제 발표된 정부간 선언문(안)의
보안(security) 분야에 대한 진보네트워크센터의 입장을 발표했습니다.

2003년 7월 18일
WSIS intersessional Paris 참가단

Korea Progressive Network ‘Jinbonet’

Statement on paragraphs 34-37 of the new Draft Declaration of Principles
Document WSIS03/PICP/DT/4(Rev.2)-E

Civil Society Information Security and Privacy Working Group submitted a
Statement on the new Draft of Principles on 17. July. We appreciate the
endeavor of the Working Group a

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Statement of Korean Civil Society Network for WSIS
[WSIS/의견] 한국 시민사회네트워크의 선언문 발표

By | English, 인터넷거버넌스, 입장

아래와 같은 한국 시민사회의 WSIS에 대한 선언문을
WSIS intersessional 회의장에 배포했습니다.

2003년 7월 18일
WSIS intersessional Paris 참가단

Statement of Korean Civil Society Network for WSIS

This statement has been prepared after diverse issues regarding
information society were reviewed and discussed at Korean civil society
workshop for the world summit on the information society (WSIS), and
contains the common consensus of Korean civil societies to information

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Statement of Korean Civil Society Network for WSIS

By | English, 인터넷거버넌스, 입장

This statement has been prepared after diverse issues regarding information society were reviewed and discussed at Korean civil society workshop for the world summit on the information society (WSIS), and contains the common consensus of Korean civil societies to information society. The groups and individuals who signed at the bottom are those who support this statement. And this statement is open to criticism and will be updated continuously.

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[WSIS/Statement] Statement on paragraphs 34-37 of the new Draft Declaration of Principles

By | English, 인터넷거버넌스, 입장

Civil Society Information Security and Privacy Working Group submitted a Statement on the new Draft of Principles on 17. July. We appreciate the endeavor of the Working Group and we basically agree with the comments. Moreover we want to comment more to the new draft Declaration of Principles. We hope our comment to be taken into consideration at the future process of WSIS.

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After the Saturday large demonstration against NEIS South Korean government shows how it understand the democracy

By | English, 자료실

The union cites legitimate security concerns for its opposition to the system, which initiated and supported by the ministry of education. After a four-day sit-in struggle last week in Seoul’s Hullyeonwon Park, to show their strong opposition against NEIS last Saturday the teachers organized in the KTEWU took the streets of Seoul.

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