[지지] 참여연대, 임시조치에 대한 헌법소원

By | 자료실

참여연대가 현행 정보통신망법상의 ‘임시조치’에 대해 정면으로 문제를 제기 했다. 어제(8/30) 참여연대 공익법센터( 소장 : 박경신 교수, 고려대)는 인터넷상에 올린 게시물이 일방의 권리침해 주장이 있거나 또는 분쟁의 소지가 있다는 이유로 일정기간 차단(임시조치)하는 것은 헌법상 표현의 자유를 침해한다며 그 위헌여부를 판단해 달라는 헌법소원을 제기하였다.

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[Asia Internet Rights Conference] Special Interview with Toshimaru Ogura

By | 자료실

Toshimaru Ogura is a board member of JCA-Net(an ICT NGO in Japan). Its goals are to establish an electronic network that transcends national boundaries and organizational distinctions. Now they are trying to create internet services for progressive activists who wish to publicize their struggles and to learn more about people’s movements around the world. Base21 Staff Reporter, PatchA met two representatives from JCA-Net. They talked about the situation of Japanese ICTs and what’s the role of this conference.

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Asia Internet Rights Conference will be held from Nov. 8th to 10th

By | 자료실

The “Asia Internet Rights International Conference,” the first such conference on Internet Rights (IR) issues in Asia, will be held from Nov. 8th to 10th in Seoul, South Korea. It is being jointly organized by Japan Computer Access (JCA-Net) and the Korean Progressive Network. These organizations are gathering professors, activists, and other experts from all over Asia to share and discuss information regarding Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and their relationship to social movements in Asia.

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