About Jinbonet

Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet is a Non-profit organization that was established on 14 November, 1998.


The 1990s witnessed various political, social, economic, and cultural changes due to the popularization and proliferation of computer-mediated communication.

Board and Staff

President : Oh Byung-il


Postal Address :
3F, 23, Dongnimmun-ro 8-gil , Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea / Postal Code : 03745
Tel : +82-2-7744551
Email : Oh Byoungil

Details on the Genome Project Hearing

By | English, 자료실

Four outside experts gathered together on August 1 to review the negative impacts of the controversial human genome project. The Center for Democracy in Science and Technology at the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) held a hearing on the expected social and ethical problems of the use of genetic information.

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Which Comes First? : A strict legal infrastructure is needed prior to debate on embryos experiment

By | English, 생체정보, 자료실

The extremely polarized debate on the framework of the Bioethics bill is heated up again between civil groups’ alliance and other major forces including National Assembly members as the Korean Bioethics Advisory Commission unveiled the framework of the Bioethics bill which is scheduled to be handed over to Ministry of Science and Technology in this month.

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[Statement] Stop the suppression of on-line activities

By | English, 입장, 표현의자유

The Website of the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication was down on August 26 for 10 hours because many Korean Netizens over loaded the website by posting protest messages on the board and reloading repeatedly the page to voice their opposition to the proposed legislation of the Ministry. This type of protest is called a “Virtual Sit-in.” It is a legitimate form of demonstration. During the protest, some tempered netizens made and used some Javascript files.

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[Statement] We warn the Korea Ministry of Information & Communication and Munhwa Broad Casting

By | English, 자료실, 표현의자유

We solemnly warn the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication(MIC) of the absurd intrusion of ‘Legislation for Communication Decency’ and also warn Munhwa Broad Casting of(MBC) the danger of one-sided reporting about the incident that MIC’s web service was downed for 10 hours on August 26th (from 12 to 22 oclock). They Calls it “Hackers’ Attach.”

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Japanese Civil Society resists Challenges to Communications Privacy
[프라이버시/보도자료] APC, JCA-Net 주최 [반도청 공개 세미나] 발표

By | English, 자료실, 통신비밀

진보네트워크센터는 2000년 7월 18일
APC, JCA-Net 주최 [반도청 공개 세미나] 참석하여 발표했습니다.
아래는 이에 대한 APC의 기사입니다.


Japanese Civil Society resists Challenges to Communications Privacy

TOKYO, Japan — Over 100,000 people signed the latest petition for the repeal of the Japanese Wiretapping Law passed in 1999. The petition was submitted to the Diet on May 24.

The petition committee, which includes JCA-NET, the NaST, and various hum

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