Requesting a compulsory license for the production of Fuzeon, an anti-retroviral drug
[Statement] Intellectual property rights cannot supersede right to life

By | English, 입장

In 2004, La Roche, a multi-national pharmaceutical corporation, acquired the license to launch Fuzeon, an anti-retroviral product. However, South Korean people with HIV/AIDS have never seen this drug in the last 4 years. This was due to a strong ‘will’ of La Roche requesting the South Korean Government accept the price of 22 million KRW (roughly 22,000 USD) per year. The company has been withholding the distribution of the drug for the last 4 years. The exclusive right of patent protection, owned by La Roche, guarantees that the company’s murderous will is observed in South Korea.

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Intellectual property rights cannot supersede right to life - Requesting a compulsory license for the production of Fuzeon, an anti-retroviral drug
[기자회견] 생명권을 넘어선 특허권은 존재할 수 없다!

By | English, 입장, 특허

생명권을 넘어선 특허권은 존재할 수 없다! – 에이즈치료제 푸제온 강제실시 청구 초국적 제약회사 로슈는 지난 2004년 에이즈 치료제 푸제온의 시판허가를 받았다. 그러나 4년이 지난 바로 오늘까지 푸제온은 한국 에이즈 환자들에게는 구경조차 할 수 없는 약이다. 연간 2,200만원을 주지 않으면 절대로 약을 공급하지 않겠다는 로슈의 강력한 ‘의지’ 때문이다. 푸제온 특허에 대한 로슈의 독점적 권한은 로슈의 이러한 ‘살인적 의지’가 한국에서 관철될 수 있도록 보장해 주고 있다.

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[Statement] Are Roche particularly interested in connecting with groups who truly represent patient with HIV/AIDS?

By | English, 입장

In October 6th, Roche sent a 2nd statement sent to Act Up Paris to explain their policy in Korea. Even though Roche’s goal “is to be transparent”in their communications, Korean activists and people living with HIV/AIDS in Korea can not obtain any clear information from the statement. During the international week of action against Roche, Roche not only refuge to engage in dialogue with activists in Korea and but also make no effort to lower a price of Fuzeon.

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Urgent appeal to UN Human Rights Council on the infringement of freedom of expression and human rights in the candle-lit assemblies (08.7.14)

By | English, 의견서, 표현의자유

▶ Confirm that there have been violations of the freedom of speech and other basic rights and urge for punishment of people in charge.
▶ Be aware of the seriousness of the situation and express a stance directly and openly
▶ Start a direct involvement such as the Country Visit investigation.

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[보도자료] 인터넷 경제의 미래에 대한 OECD 장관회의에 제출하는 시민사회-노동계 “서울 선언문”

By | English, 국제협약, 입장

———————————————————————— 수 신 : 각 언론사 정보통신/사회/인권 담당 기자 제 목 : 인터넷 경제의 미래에 대한 OECD 장관회의에 제출하는 시민사회-노동계 "서울 선언문" 발 신 : 진보네트워크센터 발 신 일 : 2008년 6월 25일 문 의 : 오병일(진보네트워크센터, 02-701-7687) ————————————————————————

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