최신순 오래된 순
- 2024
- 3.4
- A Digital Policy Report Card for South Korea
- 2015
- 4.27
- Petition for legislation of ‘cyber surveillance prohibition act’
- 3.17
- Not asylum, but counterattack : declaration of cyber surveillance victims
- 2014
- 9.11
- GISWatch 2014 country report : South Korea – Communications surveillance in South Korea
- GISWatch 2013 country report : South Korea – Digitising social welfare: Challenges of privacy
- 8.25
- Cases of the Republic of Korea on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
- 7.25
- 6 Korean human rights activists file a lawsuit against Google HQ and Google Korea
- Global internet service and communications providers file complaint to end GCHQ attacks
- 2013
- 8.22
- Joint Statement by NGOs in the Republic of Korea on Intelligence Agencies’ Internet Surveillance: Electronic Surveillance of Internet Users Worldwide Should Be Stopped
- 8.7
- The authorities’ conducts to take DNA samples from those Yongsan displaced persons and SSangyong workers and to establish and use a database containing said samples are constituted the serious violation of the constitutionally protected human rights
- 7.5
- Time to Reveal NSA’s spying : S. Korean Government and National Assembly Should Take Action
- 2011
- 4.21
- The Enactment of the Data Protection Act and the Responsibility of the Data Protection Commission
- 4.1
- Mobile Surveillance and the Protection of Communications Secrets Act of Korea
- 2008
- 8.31
- Privacy and Human Rights 2007 (of EPIC) – Country Report of South Korea
- 6.16
- Internet powerhouse, Korea? Shame on its Internet policies!
- 2004
- 7.19
- People’s Participation Must be Allowed in Privacy Impact Assessment
- 6.21
- Conflicts Arise between the Government and Civil Society Organisations Regarding Proposed Privacy Protection Act
- 4.20
- [Statement] Government DNA Database Project Lacks Legal Guidelines: Human Rights Organizations Raise Concerns
- 3.6
- High School Students File Petition Against Fingerprinting Requirements
- 2003
- 7.21
- NEIS isn’t nice, not at all
- 6.23
- After the Saturday large demonstration against NEIS South Korean government shows how it understand the democracy
- 6.20
- Human Rights Activists in South Korea start Hunger Strike against National Education Information System (NEIS)
- 2002
- 5.29
- 5.2
- Intention for using database on fingerprints to search for lost children brings doubts
- MIC ready with technology on identifying fingerprints and face marks
- “Biologically Indentifiable Passport” project now in progress
- 2.5
- U.S. government should stop the US-VISIT Immediately.
- 2001
- 10.14
- Details on the Genome Project Hearing
- 8.9
- Which Comes First? : A strict legal infrastructure is needed prior to debate on embryos experiment
- 7.6
- Human Genetic Code Protection Law petitioned
- 2000
- 8.7
- Korean progressive groups are preparing a Privacy Defense Act this year.