
[논문] The Regulation of Liberty: free speech, free trade and free gifts on the Net (바브룩)

By 2003/02/10 10월 25th, 2016 No Comments


Commoner라는 영국에서 발간하는 진보적 웹저널이 있는데요,
거기 4호(2002년 5월)에 실린 논문이 매우 흥미롭습니다.

R. Barbrook이라고 전에 Science as Culture에다가 "California Ideology"라는 글을 실어 큰 논쟁을 불러 일으켰던 논자인데, 아래 글에서는 인터넷이 정치적 검열에서는 벗어났지만 이제는 경제적 검열의 압력이 심해져 Digital Panopticon이 될 위험에 처해 있다 지적하고 있군요.

그런데 이는 Fordist Media 모델로서 결코 바람직하지 않고, 네티즌 사이에 정보가 자유롭게 공유되는 Post-fordist Media 모델을 지향해야 한다고 설파하고 있습니다.

– Richard Barbrook. The Regulation of Liberty: free speech, free trade and free gifts on the Net

Richard Barbrook explores emerging commons in cyberspace. In the mid-1990s, neo-liberals claimed that state regulation of the Net was impossible. Free markets would create free speech. This libertarian rhetoric lost its appeal as increasing numbers of people started swapping music and video files over the Net. Free speech meant free gifts. In the early-2000s, neo-liberals are now demanding more state regulation of the Net to protect intellectual property. Free markets depend upon economic censorship.
However, this attempt to regulate the Net in the interests of intellectual property is already failing. In the digital age, media xists both as commodities and gifts – and hybrids of the two


