
[정보화] 소프트웨어 산업에서 노동력 부족 신화의 진실/Norman Matloff

By 2000/08/03 10월 25th, 2016 No Comments

원제 :

[Debunking the Myth of Desperate Software Labor Shortage]

소프트웨어 산업에서 노동력이 부족하다고 합니다. 그러나

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이 글은 캘리포니아 대학 컴퓨터 과학과에 Norman Matloff박사

가 작성한 논문입니다.

영어로 되어 있으나 앞부분 [Overview and Executive Summary]에서

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1 요약———–

Due to an extensive public relations campaign orchestrated by an industry trade organization, the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), a rash of newspaper articles have been appearing since early 1997, claiming desperate labor shortages in the information-technology field. Frantic employers complain that they cannot fill many open positions for computer programmers.

1 Yet readers of the articles proclaiming a shortage would be perplexed if they also knew that Microsoft only hires 2% of its applicants for software positions, and that this rate is typical in the industry. Software employers, large or small, across the nation, concede that they receive huge numbers of re’sume’s but reject most of them without even an interview. One does not have to be a "techie” to see the contradiction here. If employers were that desperate, they would certainly not be hiring just a minuscule fraction of their job applicants.

The hidden agenda of the ITAA public relations campaign turned out to be to leverage Congress to increase the yearly quota of H-1B work visas, under which employers were importing tens of thousands of program-mers to the U.S. each year. The campaign succeeded, with President Clinton signing the increase into law in October 1998. Yet in 1999 the industry has been calling for even further increases in the visa quota.

