
Petition for legislation of ‘cyber surveillance prohibition act’

By 2015/04/27 4월 27th, 2018 No Comments

The ‘Urgent Action Network against Cyber Surveillance’ (Urgent Action Network), which is composed of 19 groups including human rights organization, labor party and labor unions, held the press conference to submit the petition for legislation of so-called ‘cyber surveillance prohibition act’, actually a revised bill of ‘Protection of Communications Secrets Act’(PCSA), in the national assembly on April 20, 2015. The petition, in which 2,910 people have signed, will be introduced and proposed in the national assembly by haecheol Jeon, an assemblyman of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy, the main opposition party, and a member of legislation and justice committee.

Press conference in the national assembly on April 20, 2015

The Urgent Action Network has made a team at the end of last year, which is lead by professor Hojung Lee, and developed the civil society proposal for revising current legislative system related to cyber surveillance, to prohibit surveillance by investigative and intelligence agencies and protect the right to privacy of users. The rationale and major points of the proposal was introduced in the event, ‘joint assembly of cyber surveillance victims :prologue for counterattack’, held on March 1, 2015. The proposal was further discussed with broader civil society experts and activists in the workshop which was held in Franciscan Education Center on April, 3.

Civil Society Workshop on April, 3

After that, 33 civil society organizations including those of Urgent Action Network held a press conference in the Gwanghwamun Gate Square on April, 7 and announced the start of petition campaign for legislation of ‘cyber surveillance prohibition act’, that ordinary citizens and users who support the bill can sign on the petition. As a way of promotion of the petition, there was people’s joint association, held on April 18, where petitioners discussed the problem of cyber surveillance and collected signatures from citizens on the street. For two weeks until the press conference in the national assebly on April 20, 2,910 people have signed the petition through online and on the street.

Press conference announcing the start of petition campaign on April 7

Petition campaign on the street

The major points of proposed bill are as follows :