세계 망중립성 연합 사이트 오픈
망중립성 옹호를 기치로 19개국 35개 시민사회단체가 참여한 ‘세계 망중립성 연합(global net neutrality coalition)’ 사이트가 어제(11월 26일) 오픈하였습니다.
세계 망중립성 연합은 "망중립성은 네트워크서비스제공자가 모든 콘텐츠, 애플리케이션, 서비스를 차별없이 동등하게 처리함으로써 인터넷을 개방적인 플랫폼으로 유지할 것을 요구한다."는 망중립성 정의에 합의하였고, 이는 11개 언어로 번역하여 제공하고 있습니다.
현재 미국에서도 망중립성 규제가 초미의 관심사가 되고 있고, EU에서도 통신단일시장제안과 함께 망중립성 법안이 ‘유럽연합위원회’에서 논의되고 있습니다.
세계 망중립성 연합은 망중립성 옹호를 위한 전 세계 시민사회의 연대 활동을 해나갈 예정이며, 현재 각 국의 망중립성 법안 및 상황을 정리하며 비교, 분석하고 있습니다.
한국에서는 진보네트워크센터 및 망중립성이용자포럼이 참여하고 있습니다.
(다음은 ‘세계 망중립성 연합’의 보도자료입니다.)
Global coalition launches international net neutrality website
more than 35 groups from 19 countries agree on a universal definition of net
Today a dynamic coalition of civil society organizations launched
http://www.thisisnetneutrality.org, which includes a basic, collaborative, and
universal definition of net neutrality. The diverse coalition includes more
than 35 groups from 19 countries, such as South Korea, Venezuela, Nigeria,
Kenya, India, Germany, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Chile, Bangladesh,
Colombia, and the Netherlands.
The coalition agreed upon the following definition, which has been translated
into 11 languages, including Mandarin, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Korean, and
German: "Net neutrality requires that the internet be maintained as an open
platform, on which network providers treat all content, applications and
services equally, without discrimination."
This global coalition could not have come together at a more critical moment.
In the U.S., net neutrality has finally become a kitchen-table topic,
following President Obama’s breakthrough statement in which he called for the
Federal Communications Commission to pass bold rules protecting the open
internet. Meanwhile, the European Union could soon pass landmark net
neutrality legislation, with the Telecoms Single Market proposal currently
sitting with the Council of the European Union.
Josh Levy, Advocacy Director at Access, said:
“This dynamic coalition shows the importance of net neutrality to every
internet user around the world. The open internet remains a crucial driver of
education, expression, innovation, health, and creativity; every internet user
everywhere deserves equal access to this revolutionary medium.
“Advocates and decisionmakers around the world are watching the contentious
net neutrality debates in the U.S. and the EU. The decisions made in those
regions will set global precedents for how to ensure and protect a neutral,
non-discriminatory internet.”
Marianne Diaz Hernandez, director of Acceso Libre (Venezuela), said:
“Thisisnetneutrality.org is a great resource for us to show how important net
neutrality is for the preservation of freedom of speech, access to
information, and knowledge all over the world. In Venezuela, the protection of
net neutrality is essential for the preservation of civil rights and
Niels ten Oever, Head of Digital of Article 19, said:
“Protecting the plurality and diversity of information is fundamental to
securing the right to freedom of expression for all. Unfortunately, they are
under threat by moves to end "net neutrality" – the principle that those
controlling the internet infrastructure should not interfere or discriminate
between the types of data that travel along it.”
Floris Kreiken, Human Rights Officer at Bits of Freedom (Netherlands), said:
“Now we have a resource for the world to discover and for policy makers to
know that net neutrality matters so that they can make informed decisions
about the future of the internet.”
Claudio Ruiz, Executive Director of Derechos Digitales (Chile), said:
“This coalition understands that net neutrality is not just a technical issue
but also a fully political one. It’s not just a consumers issue but a
substantive one. Chile and Peru have groundbreaking net neutrality law
provisions and the Inter-American system of human rights sees net neutrality
as a human rights issue. Its presence can guarantee fundamental rights such as
freedom of expression and privacy for citizens worldwide, and therefore its
defense has to be global.”
Mohammad Farooq of Digital Rights Foundation (Pakistan), said: “The
significance of net neutrality in Pakistan cannot be ignored. With a fledgling
infrastructure and a booming startup and entrepreneurship culture, net
neutrality has a big part to play. Net neutrality can help raise awareness
about internet censorship issues and champion the cause of internet freedom
and the right to free speech worldwide. Pakistan is still in its infancy in
terms of net neutrality, but its application is nevertheless significant and
cannot be ignored at any cost. It is a principle that advocates for the
equality of internet traffic online and no discrimination, and it encourages
innovation and creativity that will only enhance the worthiness of the
internet even further. Net neutrality is a principle that advocates for
opportunities for any netizen online irrespective of class, creed, or
Jeremy Malcolm, Senior Global Policy Analyst at Electronic Frontier
Foundation, said:
"We love the openness and accessibility of the internet, but we worry about it
coming under threat from those who want to surround it with gates and toll
booths. In cases where market competition isn’t sufficient to dispel these
threats, open internet rules can help."
Arzak Khan, director of Internet Policy Observatory (Pakistan) said:
“Internet Policy Observatory Pakistan has joined the Global Coalition for Net
Neutrality to highlight the importance of net neutrality to users and policy
makers in Pakistan. The issue of Net Neutrality is very important for internet
uses in Pakistan, as existing telecommunications law in the country, while
prohibiting “unjust discrimination” by ISPs, does not effectively enforce net
neutrality. The existing laws do not sufficiently prevent the possibility of
ISPs offering tiered services to content providers, thereby turning the
internet into a two-tiered network on which corporate content is prioritized
over other content. Net neutrality means that every site on the internet runs
on the same speed. That way, startups in Pakistan and other countries can
compete with big Internet giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google.”
Sarah Clarke, Advocacy and Policy Officer at PEN International, said:
“An open internet is essential to ensuring the unhampered transmission of
ideas between peoples around the world, the central mission of PEN. Free
access to an open internet–now the most important medium for the
transmission of ideas–is an integral part of freedom of expression and must
be maintained in the face of moves to restrict access to serve narrow
Carolina Rossini, Vice President of International Policy at Public Knowledge,
"Public Knowledge is proud to support the global initiative,
thisisnetneutrality.org. Net neutrality is important for all of the world’s
internet users, and it is just as essential for countries with robust internet
infrastructure as it is for those still building infrastructure. Being able to
find common ground on net neutrality with organizations in North America,
Europe, South America, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and North
Africa helps demonstrate the need for us to continue fighting for strong net
neutrality principles at home and help our partners abroad.
Thisisnetneutrality.org will be an important resource hub for internet users
and policymakers from the United States and around the world to understand net
neutrality and make informed decisions on behalf of the open internet."
For more information or press inquiries, please contact Josh Levy at
press@accessnow.org or call +1-888-414-0100 ext 703.
Members of the Global Net Neutrality Coalition:
Access (Global)
Acceso Libre (Venezuela)
ACUI (Colombia)
Article 19 (Global)
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (Bangladesh)
Bits of Freedom (Netherlands)
CC Meta (France)
CELE (Argentina)
Date Roads Foundation (US)
Derechos Digitales (Chile)
Digitale Gesselschaft (Germany)
Digital Rights Foundation (Pakistan)
EDRi (Europe)
Electronic Frontier Foundation (Global)
Free Press (US)
Fundación vía Libre (Argentina)
Internet Policy Observatory (Pakistan)
Initiative für Netzfreiheit (Europe)
Internet Ecosystem Alliance (Switzerland)
IT for Change (India)
Jinbonet (Korea)
Just Net Coalition (Global)
KiCTAnet (Kenya)
La Quadrature du Net (France)
Network Neutrality User Forum of Korea (Korea)
OpenMedia International (Global)
Paradigm Initiative (Nigeria)
PEN International (Global)
Public Knowledge (US)
Open Technology Institute (US)
Social Media Exchange (MENA)
Software Freedom Law Center (US)
Venezuela Inteligente (Venezuela)
Web We Want (Global)
Witness (Global)
For more information or press inquiries, please contact Josh Levy at
press@accessnow.org or call +1-888-414-0100 ext 703.