
Japanese Civil Society resists Challenges to Communications Privacy {/}[프라이버시/보도자료] APC, JCA-Net 주최 [반도청 공개 세미나] 발표

By 2000/07/18 10월 25th, 2016 No Comments

진보네트워크센터는 2000년 7월 18일
APC, JCA-Net 주최 [반도청 공개 세미나] 참석하여 발표했습니다.
아래는 이에 대한 APC의 기사입니다.


Japanese Civil Society resists Challenges to Communications Privacy

TOKYO, Japan — Over 100,000 people signed the latest petition for the repeal of the Japanese Wiretapping Law passed in 1999. The petition was submitted to the Diet on May 24.

The petition committee, which includes JCA-NET, the NaST, and various human rights groups in Japan, has been campaigning to repeal the Wiretapping Law since the beginning of 2000 and has already submitted three other petitions.

All opposition parties except the Jiyu-tou (the Liberty Party) proposed a bill to repeal the Law in March, but the ruling parties rejected any discussion of the bill which has been in effect shelved. The petition movement should have some influence on the general election in June,?though JCA-NET tells us they feel it will be difficult to break the deadlock.

Police threat to communications privacy

The Wiretapping Law has several features that seriously violate human rights and civil liberties; as do equivalent regulations currently under consideration in other countries. The National Police Department plans to obtain remote access to the Japanese phone circuit and digital recording system to intercept not only voice but all other manner of communications, including e-mail and fax.

The Japanese digital recording system is computer-based and runs on Windows NT. The Japanese phone system (NTT) has a specific break line system to allow routine technical checks on the telephone lines. Any NTT employee can connect to the system via modem. Simply by entering a password the employee then has the ability to listen in on the conversations of customers on individual phone lines, as well as any phone line that they want, anywhere in the country. The wiretapping device planned by the Japanese police force works on the same principles.

Email the Committee for the Repeal of the Wiretapping Law: office@jca.apc.org or priv-ec@jca.apc.org

ECHELON in Japan?

Recently the Japanese mass media have been paying more and more attention to ECHELON, the secret surveillance operation of the Internet which is carried out by the US National Security Agency. JCA-NET,?NaST and several civil society groups are holding an Internet Rights meeting for the general public at the Senior Work Hall, Tokyo, on July 18.?Speakers include Duncan Campbell, expert on ECHELON; Chris Bailey, APC Internet Rights, moving against the British Home Office’s Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill; and Oh Byoung-Il, Internet Services director at JinboNet (APC partner in South Korea), criticizing the adoption of identification cards and other violations of privacy by the South Korean government.

For More Information

Email the Committee for the Repeal of the Wiretapping Law: office@jca.apc.org or priv-ec@jca.apc.org

Originator: — (JCA-NET)
Date: 07/01/2000
Location: TOKYO, Japan
Category: Internet Rights
Source: JCA-NET
