

Won-Dam Paik

교수, 성공회대학교, 한국, 
director, Institute for East Asian Studies,
professor, SungKongHoe University, Korea


Jong-Hoi Lee

대표, 진보네트워크센터
President, Korean Progressive Network “JINBONET”



Eun-Woo Lee 

변호사, 법무법인 지성지평
lawyer, Jisung Horizon Attorneys at Law, Korea



Jisung Kim

Jisung Kim
Jisung Kim is a policy analyst of the Korean Progressive Network 'JinboNet'. His principle responsibility is policy analysis on information and communication technology and intellecutal property. He is also a member of the executive commitee of the Intellectual Property Left 'IPLeft'.

His research and political activities are focused on advocating innovations, freedome of speach and privacy in this digital era.
He worked at the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) as a policy analyst for about four years, and before the job, he was a researcher of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Display Laboratory of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He earned his master degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illionis at Urbana-Champaign.


Yeo-Kyung Chang

Yeo-Kyung Chang

활동가, 진보네트워크센터, 한국
activist, Korean Progressive Network ‘JinboNet’, Korea
Yeo-Kyung Chang has worked at JinboNet since 1998. She has lead social activities in various subject areas related with digital human rights such as Internet real-name policy, Internet compulsory content rating, personal information protection, communication privacy.

She earned her M.S. degree in the "Science and Technologies Studies" program at the Korea University in 2003. Since 2004, she has been lecturing the "Theories on Information Society" at the Seoul National University of Technology.


Young-Mook Choi

교수, 성공회대학교, 한국
professor, SungKongHoe University, Korea

Shahzad Ahmad

Shahzad Ahmed

Shahzad currently works in the area of ICT policy advocacy, internet censorship, surveillance, privacy and freedom of expression. He is a development communications expert, experimenting the innovative use of ICTs for community development and nature conservation.

Shahzad manages Pakistan’s ICT Policy Monitors Network, which is part of APC’s Communications and Information Policy Programme under its national ICT policy initiative.  The main objective of this network is to monitor national ICT policies from a civil society perspective and advocate for people friendly-people centred policies in the country.

With a keen focus on ICT policy advocacy, Shahzad is working with the OpenNet - on an Asia-wide research project on internet surveillance and censorship. The project also focuses on content regulation from a gender perspective. The research is focused on finding the interconnection between content regulations, gender, sexuality and the discourse around cultures & religions. In addition, he is also coordinating the country research in Pakistan for a 5-counry research project on aspects of censorship and surveillance in mobile telephony space.

On behalf of Bytesforall, Shahzad is a council representative to Association for Progressive Communications and a member on the International Advisory Board of Privacy International, UK Shahzad also serve on the Board of ccTLD .PK as civil society representative.

An outgoing, gender sensitive team player, Shahzad maintains a strong engagement with the broader civil society networks at national, regional and global levels and strongly believes in participation and inclusiveness. 

Allan De Guzman Alegre

Allan De Guzman

Allan De Guzman Alegre is executive director of the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), a 20-year old Philippine NGO seeking to promote communication rights and democratise information and communication systems and resources. He is directly in charge of FMA’s policy research and advocacy work, which seeks to promote communication rights and ICT/Internet governance as a public interest concern in national, regional and global arenas.

He often represents civil society organisations (CSOs) in national and
Asian multi-stakeholder meetings, policy forums, and summits related to internet governance and infocomms policy. He was a member of the Philippine Delegation to the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and also acted as a convenor for Asian CSO participation in the WSIS processes as a member of the the WSIS Civil Society Bureau. He is a recently-elected Executive Board member of the global Association for Progressive Communications (APC) representing FMA, and is also a member of the Campaign for Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS Campaign).

He was recently designated as the Regional Coordinator of the Open Net Initiative (ONI)-Asia, a regional network of researchers and practitioners concerned with privacy and freedom of expression on the Internet. (See <>.) He is coordinating a five-country exploratory study on Mobile Telephony Surveillance and Content Filtering, and leads the Philippine research team.

Norbert Klein

Norbert Klein

Norbert Klein, a German citizen living in Cambodia since 1990, established the first e-mail system in Cambodia in 1994. Later he created and administered the country code address .kh, helped to get the Khmer script into UNICODE, and supported the creation of a working group to develop UNICODE based Open Source Khmer software (Microsoft and Linux platforms). The Ministry of Education uses these for all Teacher Training Colleges and all high schools with computers.

ICT developments in Cambodia would not have been possible without  international cooperation: early links included APNG, APRICOT, and ISOC. Later, the membership in APC became an important link, helping to look beyond technicalities and into the social implications of ICT.

By now, Phnom Penh – not the whole country – is fully participating in the newest trends: wire based and wireless broadband, and a dozen of competing mobile phone providers.

The most important feature in this field is the development of a growing blogger community, facilitating the exchange of personal information and opinion – fairly new in the cultural and political history of the country.

Norbert is involved with the non-commercial constituency of ICANN since 1999, was later a member of the ICANN Generic Names Support Organization Council. Since November 2008, he became a member of the ICANN Nominating Committee.

Norbert is an Associate of the Cambodian NGO Open Institute. He edits, since more than 10 years, a daily English language review of the Khmer language

Ahmed Swapan Mahmud

Executive Director, Voices for Interactive Choice & Empowerment, 방글라데시